The term 'watercolor' originates from the Roman language area. In France it is called 'aquarelle'and in Italy is synonymous with this 'aquarello' or 'auqarella'. Literally this means 'wash drawing', in other words, is a painting made with paint and water. Watercolor paintings are made with water-soluble paint on thick, specially crafted watercolor paper. The watercolor technique distinguishes itself from other painting techniques, because relatively little paint is used and water is used as a way to ensure the fanning out the paint, so that the underlying layer, namely, the paper, shimmering through the paint. This creates a slightly transparent, almost dreamy effect. The color white is not used in watercolor paintings in per definition, so that the white in the painting always originates from the paper.
The so-called water color cubes are made of flat-rolled pigment, which is mixed with gum and then is pressed into cubes or a mold. Watercolour is also available in tube form, where the paint is a type of pasta can be squeezed. This paste has already been diluted with water. Water-soluble chalks and water-soluble crayons leaves the original watercolor painting technique simulating also pretty good. At gallery Wildevuur you can admire and purchase beautiful watercolor paintings by famous contemporary artists like Chris Herenius and Herman van Hoogdalem. Optionally, you can also let us fabricate a appropriate frames for your watercolor paintings, which totally fits your personal taste and style.