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Painting cows

There are few species, which are so often immortalized with a painters brush as cows. A painting of cows is typical for the Dutch pastoral landscape. Therefore, cows through the ages are captured by many famous artists on to canvas. Because each cow has a unique design and color palette, the topic 'cow in the pasture' is never really exhausted.

Are you looking for a painting of cows?

Then gallery Wildevuur is the right place for you. From the estate Hiemstrastate, where the gallery is located, we are exhibiting works by renowned contemporary figurative artists, including beautiful paintings of cows in various styles and techniques. We also have an extensive art collection in stock and an online collection, which you can view on these pages at your leisure. If you are looking for a painting of cows, first go to our art shop online and choose from the subject-filter (above) the subject animals, and then the sub-topic cows. Automatically a list of paintings of cows that are currently part of the collection is displayed. For example have a look at the paintings of Corry Kooy. Of this artist we have some beautiful paintings of cows in pastel included in our collection. Pascalle Verhees and Philip Wildevuur, owners of gallery Wildevuur, are happy to discuss the options with you.

You can even personally pick out a beautiful frame for your painting with cows that suits your taste or interior.