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Still life painting

A still life painting is a work of art with an artistic composition, in which motionless objects such as fruit, flowers or some utensils are highlighted. Because there are no moving objects included in the still-life painting, the artist can focus entirely on the composition, color and details of the painting. This sometimes results in almost lifelike images, which the painter can vary endlessly with subtle shades of color and light. A still life painting was formerly often made as a practice piece or as proof of the artistic talent of the creator. Still lifes were already made in Roman times, the silent witnesses are the numerous, beautifully preserved frescoes from Herculaneum and Pompeii. The applicable word still life painting, however, only came into vogue in the late 17th century. The Flemish-Dutch paintings from the 17th century, shows many impressive examples show still lifes, which are especially famous for the retailer symbolic representations of the objects depicted.

In contemporary art still life painting is a popular subject among both artists and the public.

Gallery Wildevuur, located on the estate Hiemstrastate in the provence of Drenthe, offers a large collection of still lifes of contemporary figurative artists for sale. In our collection are many examples of exquisite still lifes by artists such as Herman Tulp, Adriana van Zoest, Simeon Niejenhuis Hans Musters, Ingrid Smuling and Joke Frima included. We invite you to browse through our collection.

If some still life painting has caught your attention, we are happy with more information and advice about a possible purchase.