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Bronze sculpture bull

A bronze sculpture of a bull is not without a reason popular amongst art connoisseurs.

With their huge, muscular bodies and sharp horns we prefer not to come close, but at a safe distance we are fascinated by these majestic animals. In many ancient cultures, the bull was worshiped as a fertility symbol and epitome of masculinity. There are numerous gods of antiquity which occur in the form of a bull or partially possess the body of a bull. Thus, the Egyptian god Apis was the head of a bull, the Greek god Zeus turned himself into a bull to seduce the goddess Europe, on the island of Crete lived according to Greek legends the Minotaur, who was half-bull, half-man and even the golden calf from the bible was a steer.

A bronze sculpture of a bull stands for primal power and boundless dynamism.

Galerie Wildevuur has included several fine specimens of a bronze sculpture of a bull in the collection. These are to admire life in the gallery, but also online. In our art shop all bull sculptures casted in bronze can be retrieved and admired by the subject filter. Bronze bull sculptures by famous sculptors such as Anton Braak, Jan de Graaf and Erwin Meijer are for sale in our shop. If a certain bronze sculpture of a bull especially suits your taste, you may decide to purchase the sculpture immediately, but you can also make an appointment for a visit. More information on this can be found if you click on the relevant sculpture.