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Sculpture fox

Our image of the fox is one of a mysterious and cunning animal. With his thick bushy tail, watchful eyes, pointed ears and flaming fur, a fox speaks like no other to the imagination. Foxes are therefore protagonists of numerous folk and fairy tales. As a shy animal that wanders at sunrise and sunset and hunts its prey, the fox is also a symbol of various myths and legends, whose 'Reynard The Fox' from the thirteenth century is one of the most famous examples. Foxes in fairy tales deceive their prey and do silly things, until their naive victim gets too close.

The sculpture of a fox also brings nature closer and by its scheming beauty especially calls admiration by us.

Within the collection of gallery Wildevuur, which is run by Pascalle Verhees and Philip Wildevuur since 1992, you'll find some fine examples of foxes sculptures in bronze. Coba Koster is one of the talented artists whose fox sculptures are included in the collection. If you select sculpture of a fox under the subject-filter, you can see some beautiful specimens of fox sculptures from the hand of this famous artist. Perhaps you have specific requirements and want to determine the size of the sculpture or have your own ideas about the shaping of the sculpture. We are of course happy to discuss the possibilities with you, to have a sculpture of a fox manufactured in commission by one of our artists.

On request, you can always have a sculpture of a fox manufactured in commission.