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Sculpture hare

Are you looking for a sculpture: hare, cat, bird or dachshund - sculptures of animals in all shapes and sizes are for sale at Gallery Wildevuur. In our online sculpture collection, you will find hares sculptures and sculptures of various other animal species. If your special interest goes to a sculpture of a hare, we have superb specimens for sale. We sell bronze statues of hares and many other (wild) animals in our shop.

The sculpture of the hare in many folk tales symbolizes rebirth, intuition and balance.

The myth of the most famous hare from Western culture comes from the time before Christianity was introduced in Europe. One of the myths of the Germanic tribe of the Teutons was a story about the goddess Ostara. In this story a young girl took a wounded bird, and prayed to Ostara to rescue the animal. The goddess then turned the bird into a hare, and told the hare would henceforth come back once a year to lay colored eggs. The birth of the Easter Bunny was a fact and the German word 'Ostern' is derived from the name of the goddess Ostara. Today, the hare primarily is a symbol of spring, the pristine nature and hunting. A sculpture of a hare is beautiful as a natural, dynamic element to your home or garden. If you buy a sculpture of a hare at gallery Wildevuur, we provide totally free shipping within The Netherlands or home delivery.

You can also choose a suitable pedestal for your sculpture of a hare that will be created by us.