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Buy sculptures

Pascalle Verhees and Philip Wildevuur live and work on the spectacular estate Hiemstrastate, where they hold sway over the known and many times as 'best gallery in the Netherlands' winning gallery Wildevuur. For art lovers who buy sculptures, gallery Wildevuur is the right place both online and during a visit to the gallery, not only because of the exhibited art, but also by the spectacular scenery which is well worth a visit. Within our online sculpture collection we exhibit a wide range of artworks in different styles and techniques.

Buying sculptures has never been easier!

Pascalle Verhees and Philip have chosen to enter into a long-term partnership with a carefully selected group of sculptors. You can choose from various sculpture dimensions in bronze, ceramics, alabaster, glass or aluminum. Gallery Wildevuur collaborates with renowned artists such as Peter Hiemstra (ceramics), Leon Veerman (bronze), Marion Visione (bronze), Philippe Timmerman (brons), Marlies Heylmann (alabaster) and Jelle Leek (glass). The composition of our sculpture collection allows us the opportunity to meet different tastes and needs of our customers who buy sculptures. You want a sculpture or perhaps buy some sculptures, but you're seeking? Then come visit us at Gallery Wildevuur, or view our online offerings. For more information please click on the appropriate image, and it appears in a larger dimension, with further details about the artist, the price and the material used.

Want to buy sculptures or do you need further information, you can directly contact us. We are happy to help.